What is GenesWell™ BCT

GenesWell™ BCT is a prognostic multigene test designed to help early-stage (Stage I or II) breast cancer patients make better treatment decisions after surgery. In the majority of early-stage breast cancer patients, the risk of recurrence and metastasis that would necessitate chemotherapy after breast cancer surgery is very low. GenesWell BCT allows patients and doctors to make informed treatment decisions and avoid unnecessary overtreatment. GenesWell™ BCT is the first breast cancer disease progression test approved by the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety in Korea on November 2, 2016 (Class III).

Who can participate in GenesWell BCT?

GenesWell™ BCT is intended for hormone receptor-positive (ER/PR+) and human epidermal growth factor receptor-negative (HER2-), with metastasis in fewer than three lymph nodes, and who have not received chemotherapy before surgery. This test examines RNA obtained from early-stage breast cancer patients to predict the likelihood of distant metastasis and ten-year survival rate. It helps differentiate patients with high survival rates without chemotherapy (low-risk) from those with low survival rates without chemotherapy (high-risk).


Stage Tumor Size Positive Lymph Nodes Metastasis
1A ≤ 5 CM None none
1B ≤ 5 CM

Fewer than 3 lymph nodes with micrometastasis 

2A ≤ 5 CM

Fewer than 3 lymph nodes with metastasis


Reference: Eric Wong. Breast cancer pathogenesis and histological and molecular subtypes. McMaster Pathophysiology Review. Poster. December 2012.

GenesWell™ BCT is utilized to detect gene expression levels through Real-Time RT-PCR using LightCycler® 480 (Product License No. 07-1116) for 9 genes in early-stage breast cancer FFPE samples. The BCT score is calculated using an algorithm that incorporates clinical information. GenesWell™ BCT includes a total of nine genes: five proliferation genes (UBE2C, TOP2A, RRM2, FOXM1, MKI67), one immune gene (BTN3A2), and three reference genes (CTBP1, CUL1, UBQLN1).


  Gene Symbol Gene Disclosure
Proliferation Genes UBE2C
Ubiquitin - conjugating enzyme E2C
Topoisomerase (DNA) II alpha
Ribonucleotide reductase M2
Forkhead box M1
Antigen identified by monoclonal antibody Ki - 67
İmmunity Gene BTN3A2 Butyrophilin subfamily 3 member A2
Reference Genes CTBP1
C - terminal binding pretein 1
Cullin 1
Ubiquilin 1


Proliferation Genes: It is associated with the proliferation of cancer cells. The higher the number of these cells, the more likely cancer cells are to proliferate.
Immunity Gene: Having a high amount of immune genes is associated with preventing the proliferation of cancer cells.
Reference Genes: It is the group of genes used as standards to compare the relative expression of target genes.

GenesWell BCT Results Determine a BCT Score:

A number between 0 and 10 for early-stage breast cancer.

Based on your BCT score, you and your doctor refer to the following ranges to interpret your results regarding early-stage invasive cancer.

BCT Score 0 - 3.99: The risk of cancer recurrence and distant metastasis is low. The benefits of chemotherapy are likely to outweigh the risks of side effects.

BCT Score 4.00 - 10: The risk of cancer recurrence and distant metastasis is high. The benefits of chemotherapy are likely to outweigh the risks of side effects.

GenesWell BCT Process

Counseling a breast cancer patient about the GenesWell BTC test.
Cancerous tissue is removed from the patient by surgical procedure.
Cancer tissue samples (FFPE) are collected from the pathology department and delivered to the Gencurix laboratory.
Nucleic acid (RNA) is extracted from the FFPE sample and the BCT score is calculated by measuring gene expression.
The GenesWell™ BCT report containing the test results is delivered to the doctor.
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